- 1975 Joint show with father Chris and brother Gregory, Library Gallery Margate
- 1981 First one-man show at Library Gallery, Margate, Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham.
- 1982 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition ,Cork Street Fine Art, Ashbarn Gallery Hampshire.
- 1983 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, RSMA,, RBA, elected associate RBA ROI, Royal West of England Academy.
- 1984 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Elected member of the Royal Society of British Artists, Hammerson Purchase Prize.
- 1985 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Society of British Artists.
- 1987 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Society of British Artists.
- 1988 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Society of British Artists, New English Art Club, Roal Socity of Watercolourists.
- 1989 Nevill Gallery, Canterbury one-man show.
- 1990 Peoples and Places, touring Exhibition in association with Kent County Libraries.
- 1991 Extensive travel in association with KPMG and Catto Gallery for Exhibition of Paintings of Europe.
- 1992 Catto Gallery London, Bankside Gallery London two-man show. Travelling shows to Paris, The Hague, Dublin, Brussels.
- 1993 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London. Book; ’Step by Step Watercolour’ published by Weidenfeld Nicholson.
- 1994 Nevill Gallery Canterbury, one-man show. Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells Kent.
- 1995 Catto Gallery London. Nevill Gallery Canterbury, one-man show. David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1.
- 1996 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1.
- 1997 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1.
- 1998 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Barnes Gallery Greenwich Connecticut, USA.
- 1999 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Victorian Gallery Dallas, Texas, USA.
- 2000 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Barneys Gallery Greenwich Connecticut, USA.
- 2001 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells Kent.
- 2002 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Cavalier Gallery Greenwich Connecticut USA.
- 2003 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
- 2004 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Brian Sinfield Gallery, Burford.
- 2005 David Messum Gallery, Cork Street London W1. Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
- 2006 Walker Gallery Harrogate.
- 2007 Bourne Gallery Reigate.
- 2008 Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells, Walker Galleries Harrogate, Bourne Gallery Reigate.
- 2009 Alan Barnes Fine Art Dallas Texas, Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells.
- 2010 Thompson’s Gallery London, Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas, Walker Galleries Harrogate.
- 2011 Royall Fine Art Tunbridge Wells, Alexander’s Gallery Monkton Kent, Alan Barnes Fine Art Santa Fe, Thompson’s Gallery London.
- 2012 Whittington Fine Art, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, Walker Galleries Harrogate, Alexander’s Gallery, Monkton, Kent.
- 2013 Thompson’s Gallery London - (March-April), John Davies Gallery, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas.
- 2014 Walker Galley, Whittington Fine Art, Thompson’s London, Alan Barnes Fine Art, The Englishman Gallery Naples Florida.
- 2015 Royall Fine Art Alexander's Studio Gallery, John Davies Gallery, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas.
- 2016 Thompson’s Gallery London, Alexander's Studio Gallery Monkton, Island Fine Art I.O.W, Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas.
- 2017 John Davies Gallery Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Alexander's Studio Galery Monkton Thompson's Gallery, London.
- 2018 Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas, Alexander's Gallery Monkton, John Davies Gallery, Moreton-in-the-Marsh.
- 2019 Alexander's Studio Galery Monkton, Thompson's Gallery, London.
- 2020 Alan Barnes Fine Art Dallas Texas, Walker Galleries Harrogate.
- 2021 John Davies Gallery, Wykeham Gallery Stockbridge, Alexander’s Gallery, Monkton.
- 2022 Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas, Alexander's Gallery Monkton. Wykeham Gallery Stockbridge.
- 2023 Alan Barnes Fine Art, Dallas Texas, Alexander's Gallery Monkton.
- 2024 David Messum Fine Art, Bury Street, St. James London
- 2024 Canterbury Fine Art, Sun Street, canterbury, Kent
- Featured Artist for Meridian Television art programme ‘The Frame’ Produced by Topical TV.
- Commission for Cunard to produce eight oil paintings for the new ocean lliner Queen Mary 2
- Public & Corporate Collections :-
- Royal Automobile Club, London
- Cunard Plc
- MBNA Bank
- Rochester Bridge Trust
- Hammerson Plc
- Kent County Council
- Thames Water